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Pirates and Gold
December 1, 2023

This has to be exciting! This place has never been on my radar. Whatever could it be like?

“I bet there’s a Hilton.”

The first harbor lookout. Looks great at sunrise.

There’s a protected bay here. This is where they had the pirate lookout. Lots of pirates in all the stories told.

“Pirates and Gold!”

It looks like a flame coming out of the bottom of the sun!

“These pictures never look as good as being there.”

It sure looks big on the way in. I wonder what they do in Cartegena. What business is this place about?

The bay really shines in the morning sunlight. It’s already warm here.

“It never got cold.”

That probably means something. It might even be a famous sight.

That is very large! It’s hard to tell by the picture but it is made from coral!

“They used to torture people here too. There’s a shore excursion to take you there and show you the grim history of it.”


The coral wall surrounds the ‘old city’.

This is the main entrance to the city.

The wall seems more intimidating fron the inside.

Looks authentic to the era.

“Are you sure?”


This monkey is a real showman. He knows how to get the crowd going. He tosses the turtle around for fun. When he jumps on it the crowd starts yelling ‘nooo stop’ to the monkey and that’s when the monkey picks up the turtle and throws it into the water. Then the monkey laughs and laughs while the crowd yells ‘bad monkey!’

I’m not sure what I would do differently. I visited a resort on a nearby island. Going to a resort for just a few hours seems like just tasting a meal. It really isn’t enough to enjoy it.

It’s a two day ride to Miami from here. We will pass between Cuba and Haiti.

“Nothing to see there, keep moving.”

I don’t mind a few more days on this beautiful ship. It’s been pretty great for 2 weeks already. I couldn’t be happier about it.