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March 20, 2024

There’s a lot going on here. Everyplace you look wants your attention. 

That’s better. Simple. Authentic.

“I don’t like hot pot style. I prefer they cook it, then bring it out. Call me old fashioned.”

Another week in Sydney. Returning to ‘home base’ after a couple weeks on the Royal Princess cruising around New Zealand for the second time. Another week in Sydney after eating Princess Pizza for two weeks, again! Have I mentioned Princess Pizza is the best?

“Probably. Do you want to play the Shut-Up game about it?”

Ok, ok. I guess I’ve mentioned it before. But it really is good, I ate it every single day for more than a month.

“I can see that.”

Back in Sydney, back in Chinatown. This is my favorite place now. We are going to our favorite places to eat, walk around the gardens again, take some boat rides, sleep at our place on the corner. We are here for another week.

“Those are pretty. Are you sure this isn’t Melbourne?”

Maybe. But there’s lots of green in Sydney too. It rains fairly regular these days but it seems to clear every day also. It could be the season, but I think it’s like this all-year round.

North entrance to the Royal Botanical Gardens. There’s a nice fountain here.

It’s interesting one tree grows on another and eventually kills it. The gardens have quite a variety of life. This tree seems like a metaphor for something. It’s sort of scary and dangerous.

“What’s Flora vs. Fauna? It sounds like flowers and baby deer.”

You know, I’m not quite sure. Flora does sound like flowers. Is Fauna trees?

“I think its animals?”

More questions to ponder.

Lots of green grass and blue skies today. It’s a beautiful fall day. I’d say it is like a September day in North America if you can imagine that.

Fountains and colors everywhere. Little statues and big ones.

“Of what? What do they say?”

Nothing important. Sometimes a little sign says what is planted there, sometimes a reference to someone it is dedicated to. The statues are pretty much the same thing.

“Are you sure?”


Someone is having a wedding today; they are setting up chairs and the little arch. Idk if it is special or if they just rent these places out to anyone who wants them. It’s a good day for it. Maybe their marriage will last with a good start like this.

“Wanna bet?”


“This is the one. They are gonna make it. Magical. It can’t miss.”

The garden is very lush. I don’t see anyone working in it but they must. It’s well maintained.

Every pathway is lined with colorful flowers and it seems like there are only a few people scattered about. It’s not busy like you would expect on a day like this.

Tall bamboo and different types of palms cover the lower part of this mini jungle.

“I feel like an ant when I walk under these giant leaves. They are 6 feet across!”

This little walkway was dedicated to the wife of one of the Govn’as. Lots of privilege.

“Probably built by criminals.”

Just like home.

We’re walking through a place called ‘Friendship Park’.

These are at the ‘friendship garden’. They look very familiar. We’ve seen them a lot.

“Sometimes they get them correct, sometimes not. Our Beijing guide taught us about them but I forgot exactly what the meaning is.”

Something about what’s under the foot.

“A pineapple?”