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Last Week in Sydney
March 20, 2024

It is a weekend again and you know what that means?

“Variable pricing?”

We pick something at random, around a place called ‘Darling Harbor’.

This is from our room at the IBIS hotel. It says it’s only 2.5 stars but I think it’s a lot better than that! The price for the Saturday night was the same as a weeknight at our place in Chinatown and we have a nice view of the harbor.

“The rating systems are a little suspect at times.”

And variable pricing. That can go either way.

We have fireworks tonight! Imagine that. I think luck is going our way right now.

That’s pretty. It’s a good night to be in Darling Harbor.

We really are getting used to these low stress days and nights. It seems unreal sometimes.

“Real enough when we pay the bills!”


2.5 star view. I think it is better.

That’s our place on the left in the distance. We are standing outside the convention center. There are some K-Pop YouTubers practicing here in the shade. Seems like there is a market for just about anything!

We’ve got all day. We can walk across the bridge and through the city.

If not George Street, it’s probably Elizabeth Street.

It’s very colorful here.

“Those are traffic cones.”

Wanna play the Shut-up game?


Always a mix of old and new.

This is outside. Is this a feral parakeet?

George Street. It looks like we walked all the way back to Chinatown. This is near our place.

It is getting dark sooner now. It’s only 6:30 now and this is our sunset. Summer is definitely on the way out.

We take notice of the shadow. We’ve been watching the sun move in the sky in a way we’ve never seen before. We are world travelers now.

“Moving along at about 20 Miles per hour usually.”

19 Knots.

They don’t call this ‘Central’ for nothing. We are going to the beach again. It was nice last time. We can get souveniers this time and shop for the everyday things we have run out of.

“Is that Shirley?”

It’s still warm, but not like before. You can see the beach is very different this time. It’s still a popular place but the vibe is very different.

We didn’t catch a light show on the sails or a movie outdoors but it was still a nice ride.

It’s still 75 degrees. Cross a night time harbor ride off the list. It only cost a couple dollars for the ride.

This isn’t the best view of all the places we’ve stayed but it feels like home to me. I wonder what it would be like to spend a few months here. Would I get bored? Would I meet the locals? What kind of hot dogs are they? I would like to know. Would they tell me? They don’t seem so interested to talk about nothing. I grew up talking about nothing.

Nobody writing notes on my cup here. I’m not so special anymore.

“You are special. You are order #5565.”

I recognize the Starbucks Lings. I think they recognize me too but they don’t chat with me. They are too busy. Besides the Starbucks Lings, many people have recognized me. They tell me they remember me from last month. I wonder what it would be like if I came back next year. Would they remember? Would I remember them?

“You were in the same place they were for quite a while. I bet if some stranger started hanging around your neighborhood you would notice them too!”

You might be right about that. But it did feel like I was becoming part of the neighborhood. I got comfortable there and started recognizing people too, even if it was just the Starbucks Lings and the usual people at the sushi place and Coles. Coles is a supermarket here. It’s the same Coles as Las Vegas except in Las Vegas it’s a department store.

“Are you sure?”


Well, time to get onto the next ship. We will go to the Circular Quey to board it. This is our light rail stop.

This guy is a fixture at the Quey.

Other people do the street performances too. This guy played for about an hour. I didn’t see anybody dropping money his way so he left. I guess it’s a good way to practice. Outside, a nice day, maybe pick up a couple bucks? Didn’t happen for him on this day. He’s not the only one either. I saw a girl singing in Chinatown and a young dude just doing Karaoke on the corner. He didn’t make much either. I thought the girl was talented and pretty. She was a Ling Ling.

“Did you talk to her? Did you give her any money?”


“Why not?”

Now that you mention it… Hmmm idk. Maybe because she was singing and I was just mesmerized? I didn’t think to try to talk to her. Idk why not, seems like the thing I should have tried to do. Maybe because she had her eyes closed most of the time. She was in a zone. There was a guy standing 10 feet from her taking pictures and she didn’t seem to notice him. I should have taken pictures too. I regret this is the only memory of her. She was special. She was a Ling Ling.

“Just not your Ling Ling.”

Maybe that was it. I’m already thinking of one. Just one.

Well, its time to get on board the next ship. We are going back to France.

Its the Carnival Splendor.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”



It’s really New Caledonia, not France?
