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The Corporation
November 24, 2023

These people run the ship. Somtimes you will see them. They eat at the buffet and at the restaurants on occassion. You may see them walking around or at the Coffee shop. They might even be having a morning stroll around the deck as they go over business with their staff. There’s a lot going on here if you look. Some things seem obvious. The corporation put on them on displays around the ship so you can see the heirarchy of command. They wear insignia and stripes to clearly denote position and authority. They show the country flag. There are no Americans. There are many small details too, but it takes time to realize all the meaning in the images that are on display.

 This is the corporation. This company is headquartered in Miami. It’s an American company traded publicly as NCLH.

“Are you trying to tell me something?”